Fall Meeting
November 2-3, 2024
Comfort Suites, 10 South Hanover Street Carlisle PA 17013
Visual Storytelling
presented by
Aly Elliot, M.Photog.,M.Artist,Cr.,CPP
Program Description: : In this course, we go over all the elements of the art of visual storytelling. From concept development to image creation to finished editing, we cover all of the components that lead to a narrative of your choosing
Colors, light, composition. Concept development, leading lines, side roads. Textures, depth, clarity. Brainstorming, shooting technique, post production. Every last pixel can be used to drive the narrative that we, as artists, set out to represent. We’ll re-discover techniques of the old masters and dive into new perspectives to create a story that we need to share and our audience needs to receive.
About Aly: Aly is a wife, homeschooling mother to 6 gorgeous children, soccer coach, exhibiting artist, author, oil portraitist, and portrait photographer. With 17 years in business, 12 have been in Bloomington, Indiana with her adorable little studio on the town square. She has undergraduate degrees in Fine Arts and in Marketing; in addition to Masters, Master Artist, Craftsman, and is a CPP. Aly earned certifications in 5 categories through NAPCP. She is a 2x Grand Imaging Award Finalist and, in 2024, placed FIRST in the Children and Teens category at the International Photographic Competition. Her work is displayed in 29 countries worldwide. In addition to speaking to PPA guilds all across the country, Aly has taught on IPS Mastermind, and is thoroughly enjoying her livestream channel on twitch. She is always looking to continue learning – about business, art, and people. Her portrait style leans heavily on visual storytelling, encompassing all the elements imaginable. She is a firm believer in having it all.