Golden Bell

The Golden Bell pin is awarded to those who actively participate in events held throughout the year by the PPA of PA. Events are given point levels in varying amounts, and when a member reaches a total of 200 points, he is awarded a Golden Bell pin at the next Annual Awards Banquet! Points are submitted at the end of the year using the provided form.

Points ValueEvent Description
50 PointsJoin as a new member, or rejoin after a lapse in membership.
30 PointsSponsor a new PPA of PA member.
20 PointsPay renewal dues by January 1st.
10 PointsBring a prospective member to an event.
INSPIRE – PPA of PA Annual Convention
35 PointsAttend all three days of INSPIRE Annual Convention.
20 PointsAttend two days of INSPIRE Annual Convention.
10 PointsAttend only one day of INSPIRE Annual Convention.
20 PointsAttend the Annual Awards Banquet.
Capture – November Meeting
35 PointsAttend all three days of Capture.
20 PointsAttend two days of Capture.
10 PointsAttend only one day of Capture.
First Thursday
15 PointsPresent a program at a First Thursday Meeting.
10 PointsAttend a First Thursday meeting.
Image Competition
20 PointsCompete in the Annual Image Competition held
during INSPIRE.
15 Points Compete in the Summer Image Competition.
15 Points Compete in the Capture Image Competition.
20 PointsAttend a full-day special education seminar.
15 PointsAttend the summer picnic.
10 PointsAttend the holiday party.
10 PointsHave an original non-recurring article published in the PPA of PA Newsletter (limit one per issue).
5 PointsTweet, share on Facebook, or other social media to promote PPA of PA event (5 point limit for each month).

Pennsylvania Degree Award

Requires 16 state merits through image and album competitions.

  • Each blue-ribbon print, album or digital image at our Annual Image Competition receives 1 merit or any other image competition that the Board of Governors deems worthy of merits.
  • An additional merit is awarded for each trophy won at the annual Image Competition.
  • After you receive 16 competition merits, you will receive the gold Degree Award medallion at the next convention.
  • For every 16 additional merits in competition after receiving the medallion, you receive a gold bar.

Pennsylvania Service Award

Requires 16 state merits through service on committees and continued membership.

  • You will receive service merits for serving on various committees (eg. image committee, registration, party, membership, fundraising, etc.).
  • You will receive Service Merits for serving on the Board of Governors or holding an executive office.
  • Service merits are awarded as either full points or fractions of points depending upon the decision of the committee chairman as to how much you contributed to the committee work.
  • You also are entitled to a .5 point for each year you are a member in good standing.
  • After receiving 16 service merits, you will receive the silver Service Award medallion at the next awards banquet.
  • For each additional 16 service merits after receiving the initial medallion you receive a gold bar.
  • In order to receive credit for any service merits (even membership merits) you must complete and return the application for service merits form that comes out in October.