From Drab to Fab – Let’s Paint!
Continuing Education Class
Presented by Karen McCall, M.Photog, M.Artist, Cr, CPP, ASP
Tuesday, March 6th
9:30AM-4:30PM (includes lunch break)

Education Merit
PPA members attending this day long class will receive one educational merit
Let’s paint…
Let’s use our basic tools and begin to paint. Digital painting is not just for crazy animals!
Learn tips and tricks to fix everyday problems.
- Hair flyaways
- Eyeglass glare.
- Braces
- Chipped nail polish
- Enhancing eyes and skin
- Paint human hair and pet hair and clothing.
- The magic of the blend modes and how they will bring any image to life.
- Layers and whey they are important.
- Add elements and blend in your edges.
- Shadows and why they are important to make your image believable.
With these tools you can paint everyday portraits or a crazy animal. As time permits, we will do some photoshop and a little painting to help you create what your mind conceives.
About Karen McCall, M.Photog, M.Artist, Cr, CPP, ASP
Karen lives in Natick, MA with her husband and 2 sons and 1 golden doodle. Karen started photography many moons ago with film and negatives. She earned her masters degree in 1999 and was certified in 2004. After a painting class with in 2016 she was truly able to create like a child again.
In 2019 she earned her Master Artist Degree and Image Excellence Degree. Now it’s time too give back. She earned her craftsmen degree in 2020 and loves teach and mentoring. Karen Has won numerous awards since she has been painting as well as 7 GIA nominations Diamond / Double Diamond photographer with 17 loan image in the past 2 year. Karen is a World Cup Finalist this year.
Karen’s achievements include: